Wednesday, May 5, 2010

13 weeks to go and Living Armor = Magic Robots!

13 weeks to go and I didn't get as much done as I should have last week! I need to get my ass in gear. I mean, I was even putting off this post since, my ambitious 15 page goal turned into 4 pages.......I couldn't even get to 5 pages yesterday so it would be a multiple of my initial goal. That is how nerdy and lazy I am. I am currently watching "Roman Holiday" to relax. Now, on to the Robots and achievable goals.

Living Armor = Magic Robots
I am taking this week to bring attention to a cross roads of two nerd genres, Robots and the fantasy realm. My husband pointed out that my 1.5 year old (who loves Robots....she makes a mother proud) pointed at a knight in a cartoon and said "bot bot", her word for robot. This made him say "I know what you should do your post on this week." We, as adults, know the difference between Robots and Knights in Shining Armor but I can see how she was confused. If anyone has watched more than one Anime, there is a lot of magic infused armor sometimes called "Living Armor." Also, I know some of you love D&D (ok, maybe just me), and to get some sort of technology, you use magic. To get Robots (or constructs), you use spells. I just find it hilarious that even when people write about a world with no electricity, they still need/crave Robots. I guess we all love them.

Can you think of any other examples of Robots minus technology......Steampunk maybe?

Thesis....week 13!!!!
Ok, so 15 pages was a bit unrealistic (well, it still could be with figures). I still need to do some data analysis and write the rest of this chapter. Here is the plan:
Step 1: Find distances of galaxy clusters to get better turnover magnitudes. Once we do this we can get a better number of GCs (using corrected N = number from data file).
Step 2: Merge final from previous project with this project.
Step 3: Write more and finish a rough draft of this chapter!!! (fill in the blanks with info from papers you should be reading) DO IT!

Thanks for all of your help.


  1. Herman Melville's "The Belltower" is often called one of the first science fiction stories because of the "mechanical men" who reside in said belltower. Its a pretty crazy short story, and it doesn't have any whales in it. Golems come to mind as magical "robots". I think magic is only the popular explanation for that which we lack the science to explain, and fictional robots use futuristic "technology" for the same purpose.

  2. Magic explains things that we have scientific holes for - sounds like ID. Eek!

    It's kind of funny to read the steps for your thesis that you have written out. I kind of remember dreading stuff like that, oh so long ago. Good thing I like teaching and am happy living poor!
