Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12 weeks to go & Taser Robots

Taser Robots?! Yes, that is how we will start this week. The link will explain.

It is a little long but damn funny!

Week 12:
I have sent my advisor a schedule (that I can share will you, my loyal followers) and wrote a couple more pages of the chapter. I must adhere to the schedule or All Is Lost! These dates are when I send my advisor rough drafts of each chapter.

May 17th -- Intro to Shapley Supercluster & Data Reduction

May 31st -- NGC1533

June 14th -- Introduction

July 12th -- Data Analysis for 10 Galaxies

July 26th -- ESO325-G004

August 7th -- Total Rough Draft with brief conclusion and future work


  1. Don't you think July 26th's goal is a little overly optimistic? :-)

    Funny, though, I usually write my introduction last for papers, but the biggest paper I ever wrote was a 25 page term paper, and I had no clue what I was doing. Still don't, really.

    Get on that Shapley Supercluster and Data Reduction. Doooooo eeeeeeeeet!

  2. Thanks Kate. I really need to be productive.
