Wednesday, April 28, 2010

14 weeks to go & A Robot Inventing Farmer!!!

Hello Everyone,
Thanks again for being so supportive and here are the updates and Robot gossip.

Robot Gossip:
So my sister told me a story about a Farmer who has no formal education making robots in China. He has made almost 50 that can do things from just walk to pour tea. Here is a short video of him from this year.
He is my hero! I mean I do have formal education in physics and have actually taken electronic courses but don't have the balls to make a robot. Maybe I should. If you are really interested in him, watch this next link that was done in 2007. It is nice to see how much he has grown in his craft and how much more recognition he is getting.
Stay for the end of the is pretty cute.

Last Week's Progress and Next's Weeks Expectations:
So, I did get those distances and wrote 2 programs to get me a total number of GCs (Globular Clusters). I felt great because I also wrote 2 pages of one of my thesis chapters. Thanks to my lovely sister and her boyfriend, for taking me in all weekend and playing with my kid, I got a lot of work done.

Next week I hope to finish a rough draft of this chapter. My goal is around 15 pages. I think that is going to be really, really difficult but still doable. Please, cheer me on.


  1. You can do it! Have you tried the pomodoro technique? That might help. You set a timer (I use my phone) for 25 minutes during which time you must work and focus only on that. Even if you are dreading it, you can do anything for 25 minutes, no problem. Then when the time is up you have to take a 5 minute break and do something else (FB or read about robots or get a snack). Then after the 5 minutes, 25 minutes of work. Etc. It has helped my productivity a lot. You can also set out what you want to do for each segment, like "I have two hours so I will do 3 pomodoros of writing followed by one pomodoro of making my running schedule."

  2. make a robot!! but first, the paper. you can totally do this... and then some! you can come here and i'll watch your kid and you can work anytime you want in wenatchee! good luck.

    i just read what the other jen said and it's awesome, i might try that myself!

  3. You can dooooooo eeeeeeeeeeet! Honest to god, if you can raise a happy, smiling little lady, you can write a thesis. You did well last week - keep it up!

  4. That second video is pure gold. That chinese guy's hilarious! If you wanted to make a robot that you could actually program there are pages out there devoted to hacking internet Routers and making them run servos and stepper motors. For instance the Linksys WRT54GL runs a linux operating system which can be replaced with a different linux operating system that allows you to log in remotely, over wifi and run programs you've compiled. For example: --Rob
