Tuesday, April 20, 2010

15 weeks to Rough Draft a PhD thesis & Burning Robot Questions!!!

Hi Loyal Followers,
I am posting this as motivation and a cry for help. I want/need to write a rough draft of my PhD thesis by August 7th. If I announce it here, I think I will be held accountable. You, my wonderful geek brethren, can help me by words of encouragement and possibly advice. However, it won't be all, boring posts about globular clusters (GCs), galaxy profiles, and data reduction; I will also post, EACH WEEK, a fun fact or controversial robot question to satisfy your nerd needs.

Robot Question:
What makes a robot? Is Data from Next Generation a robot or an android? Is an android just a subset of robot? Does a robot need to be in a humanoid form (2 legs, 2 arms, head..etc) so are those machines on a assembly line not robots?

Week 1 - Get Distances & Find Total Number of GCs:
I need to collect distances to 11 galaxies in the Shapley Super Cluster and use those distances to get a Globular Cluster Luminosity Function (GCLF) and to find the total number of Globular Clusters (GCs) surrounding each. I need to figure out 'Specific Frequency'. This section is more for me....holding me accountable. Don't worry if you don't understand anything...I am having trouble too. However, if you totally know what I am saying, send me a comment and help me out.


  1. I'm no robot expert, but Data was an android, not a robot, right? Robots are full of metal and wires and do not respond with emotion, but androids do (right?). Ugh! I don't know, now I feel like a nerd not knowing anything about robots.

    The only help I can offer with a thesis is the english part :D

    Good Luck and You Can Do It!!

  2. Robots do not need to human shaped. That's just narscism on our part. Androids, do need to be human shaped,specifically man shaped. If they are lady shaped they are gynoids. :D

  3. I agree. There are lots of examples of robot dogs. Also, I am very proud to have a random follower....unless you are my friend and I don't recognize your moniker.

  4. Is the borg a robot?

    I got this email once that said you can get your PH.D in 2 weeks. Why don't you do that instead? The email HAD to be credible b/c it had pics of bikini girls.

    GO GINA!

  5. Data's an android. Robots can look like whatever, I guess, but where's the line? My microwave tells me to enjoy my meal when it finishes cooking stuff - does that make it a robot? Toyota Pruises are more sophisticated than I am, does that make them robots? Or androids? Or overlords?

    Pile it higher and deeper, Gina. Just keep piling. I'm more than happy to stay with Master Kate. (So far, no one has laughed at that joke when I make it... will you get it? Mwahahaha...)

  6. If we start running again we will be able to think more clearly.
    Here is the plan:

    Do you have a schedule for your thesis work? (Meaning, a schedule of which hours the work is actually going to get done?)

    I will ask you about it. You are so close!

  7. I just looked up gynoid. I have never heard of that before but it is some crazy stuff.
