Sunday, March 28, 2010

Top Ten Robots

I am in Victoria, BC right now, trying to finish my thesis so I can finally be a Dr.....Like all the super villains before me. You know, the professor kind, not the medical/useful ones. So while I am here I thought, why not write another post for my loyal one follower.

So my sister suggested that I post my Top Ten Robots. I really need to think it over....but instead I will just wing it while I should be doing research. (Note: I do not watch Battle Star Galactica so I have not included them).

10. Hal from 2001. He was scary but really just a red light. I didn't care for him much but he is so recognizable I had to include him.

9. Anyone in an Issac Asimov book. They all turn out to be Robots.

8. Optimus Prime!

7. That Honda Robot in the commercials. The one that dances and was designed to help the disabled or elderly. (Speaking of Japanese Robots...I am going to Sakura Con this weekend. Need to write a Con Post to cover both Cons.........KAHN!)

6. Roberto the Robot from Futurama that is very troubled and stabs everything. I love him because I feel sorry for him. (Really any robot on Futurama is kick the one that blows up every time he is surprised...priceless).

5. Any Terminator. I like the melty ones.


3. The robot I had as a kid that played cassette tapes.....I loved him.

2. Bender! Futurama's robot is the most identifiable Robot. He is damn hilarious.

1. Daneel from the Asimov Bailey Series. If you haven't read this series, go out to the library and get it now. I would suggest you stop at book two unless you really, really heart Robots.

I am sure I forgot some but you are free to correct me in the comments.


  1. Wow! You are missing a lot of good ones...For example
    (1) Johnny 5
    (2) Mo from Walle
    (3) Rosie from the Jetsons
    (4) The Pixar robot (desk lamp)
    (5) The robots from Mystery Science Theater 3000 (tom servo and the other one..crow something)

    Also, the robot we had as kids was a radio shack robot, that thing kicked ass.
    **I would like to start a list of the worst robots** for example
    (1) Haley Joel Osment from the movie "AI"
    (2) Santa Claus from Futurama
    (3) Mr. Roboto from that stupid song

  2. Oh my gosh, I forgot "Marvin" from Hitchhiker's

  3. You are right about the Muppet Robots from Mystery Science Theater 3000. Those robots make me pee with laughter...or is it the other way around?

  4. I had an Omnibot when I was a kid that I LOVED. I really wanted an Omnibot 2000 but it was $700 so I was S.O.L. on that one.

    Omnibot2000 (hilarious):

    Boston Dynamics makes freaky robots:

    Also this is freaky too:
    Hover test of Lockheed Martin Multiple Kill Vehicle MKV-L ballistic missile interceptor.


  5. That video is awesome. Our robot had a tray too. It got broken pretty fast though. Thank you for contributing to the robot discussion....I love me some comments.

  6. Marvin from Hitchhikers' - definitely the best. And how would you switch the pee your pants from laughter? Laugh your pants from peeter?

  7. Laugh with Pee, Kate.....laugh with pee. Thanks for the comments...keep 'um coming.

  8. How could you leave off GIR from Invader Zim??? Coolest robot ever! :)

  9. I may not be an authentic Robot expert so I will defer to the author on just who merits a spot in your Robot top 10 list but I must ask...How is that two of the most popular, influential and recognizable Robots (or droids) in this and in most of the known galaxies escaped recognition in your list? Could it be because they "lived" "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
    How quickly the greats are forgotten!

  10. I have lost all faith in Star Wars. Plus, I don't think they were that awesome of Robots.....One is very whinny and one just beeps.
