Saturday, January 15, 2011

!@*/#* Robot

So this blog is called "I Heart Robots!" for a reason. I love robots. There fore when I saw on my radio that there is a band called "Shit Robot", which the DJ called Turd Robot on air, I was suddenly surprisingly pissed. How dare they name their band something so offensive to Robot kind. ON top of it all, I listened to the whole song and they SUCK! They didn't even have the decency to be good. Now I am giving them exposure but I can't help it......I was so disgusted. Am I the robot equivalent of offended old ladies......please make it not be true.


  1. I am disgusted with you. If that makes me an offended old lady, so be it. At least I'm a geek old lady. :)

  2. I like being a geeky old lady.
