Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello Lonely Blog,
I had an adventure today, well as much as I can have one. Though it did not have to due with Robots, I assure you they were in my thoughts...completely.

I started the day at 6am getting dropped off at the Seattle Piers and rode the clipper in a state of half awake. I pretty sure I bought food and tasted the most disgusting coffee EVER made.

I had two goals as I walked off the vessel onto the streets of downtown Victoria for the first time (alone): Find an obscure French comic and get to the Observatory on my own. So I have been to Victoria many times but this was the first time I pushed aside my many illogical fears and just started walking.

Recently I have become obsessed with a comic called "Clues" by a French cartoonist, Mara, I found on deviant art. here is the link
Apparently she got her comics published in France a few years ago and it is a series. However, you can not get them in the US but you can through Amazon Canada....Although, I hoped that since her last post was in 2008, this had changed. Maybe the comic had made it to the New World. It was still in French but I would just make my husband translate them. I wandered the streets for 2 hours, going to 5 books stores. No one had heard of it. This kind of made me sad but I can still order it from Amazon.

I ended up at a great "hole-in-the-wall" Chinese place with free wifi and recorded some thoughts for a robot book...why not?

I took 2 buses (which was way way easier then I thought) to an obscure college and then to the bottom of a small mountain. I walked the 1.5 miles up hill avoiding crazy drivers coming down a winding road. I hate listening to my own thoughts but this time it wasn't so bad. A lot of Robot book thinking.

Next time...maybe a drawing of a robot.


  1. Did ya try Curious Comics?

  2. I thought I did. The one place I did go said no one would probably have it since it was in French.

  3. When I read this, I thought you were looking for a French Comic like Jean K. Jean or something.
