Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Robot Uprising

This little video tells it all, in a cute animated way.  However, the information it gives to survive a Robocalypse is sort of obvious but extremely entertaining.

What do you think?  Did the Robo expert cover everything?  I need to check out more videos from Epipheo.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


This is a link to a not-so-good article about the plausibility of robots killing us all and taking over the world. However, I needed to mention the story in this blog because it just makes me laugh.

Favorite line: "While researchers in the computer science field disagree on the road ahead for machines, they say our relationship with machines probably will be harmonious, not murderous. "

I also really enjoy the constant references to the "Terminator" Series as if it is actual history. The end of the article rates the likelihood of a robo-take-over a serious "two out of four Rocketboys."

Monday, August 29, 2011

What Constitutes a Robot?

To hell with the basic Webster definition of a robot: a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being.

I think a more accurate description of a robot is "something mechanical that one forms an emotional attachment because it is cute."

I don't think the robot needs to resemble anything human. Any robotics program on the Discovery Channel is going to have '"robots" that are bug like, dog like, etc and they are all cute. My daughter calls the printer the 'paper robot'. Some microwaves say 'good morning' to you and make lonely people happy. The new washer and dryer my friend just bought sings to him when the wash cycle is complete.

Am I crazy or do you also have a problem with the Webster definition?

PS. This whole thought process began while listening to "Pretty Hate Machine", again. For those frequent readers, there is continuity in this blog.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Robot Related Post!!!!

So my friend Leelers (nickname), pointed me towards this great bit of art work from http://i.imgur.com/U1GU1.jpg

I don't know how to express how much I love this poster.

Do you know all the robots here? Half of them maybe?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

PhD Done!

Ok so....if you have read this blog since last year, you will know that my year of crazy was from trying to finish a PhD in physics while working and taking care of a baby. So for anyone that cares, it is done. I am now Dr. Robot Lover.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sakura Con and does anyone even read this?

So I said the next post would be a Sakura Con recap and that was 3 months ago. So here it is for anyone that actually reads this. Sakura Con was Easter weekend and this year I was smart enough to buy tickets online months before (no waiting 4 hours in line.....or getting DS stolen...see April 2010 post). My 14 year old cousin (who attended the Con last year with me) and I went 2 days this year. Friday night with my 2.5 year old daughter dressed up like a cat, for no reason, and me dressed like Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. There were good costumes and the second day my cousin and I discovered the anime Black Butler. It is not racist; the butler dresses in black. Overall it was pretty uneventful which my cousin being disappointed that her costume was not recognised by other anime nerds (She was a character from this online tribute game, Ume Tukki) and getting yelled at by a fat Link. Anyway, the next post will be about how I may or may not have received a doctorate degree. Cross your fingers.....July 15th here we come........

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Emerald City Comic Con 2011

So, it is that time of year again. Convention time! My friend and I dressed up as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn and enjoyed ourselves immensely. We met up with other friends who knew way more about comics then we did, which was a good thing. The picture you see to your left should not alarm you...the guns are fake....air guns actually but are good accessories for villains. We got them from some guy as a prop for one pose.

Back to the con, where we walked around looking for free candy. We also met a few cool animators. I saw my favorite webcomic artist, Gordon McAlpin who writes
I also stumbled upon a booth with a couple who were animators on Metalocolypse. The wife was named Daisy Church.

We got up the nerve to walk over to the Boondock Saints booth where Norman Reedus (not Sean Patrick Flanery......he was eating a pizza) gave us high fives and started hitting on us. This happened while there was a huge line waiting for their signatures. We did not see the line and got yelled at by one of the fans. We apparently cut and didn't buy anything so we walked away giggling.

We saw crazy costumes which ranged from bad, Butt Crack Princess Leia, to good, Incredibly Hot Captain America (some might disagree with these descriptions). Lots of Harley's were there which made me start to rethink this annual tradition.

The con was fun but driving back home in this get-up was not.

Next post......Sakura Con.