So, it is a common knowledge that mustaches are funny. Fake mustaches are hilarious.
My husband has a drawer of fake mustaches you buy from 25 cent vending machines in grocery store entrances because "you never know when you might need one." I know this sounds very very creepy but remember when you were a kid and you wanted a quarter so so bad so you could buy that piece of candy, cheap ring or huge sticker from the vending machine. That is what I think these fake mustaches are to him. He has yet to actually use one.
On a trip away from my family, I was talking to him via Skype. This is the year of growing facial hair because he feels it makes him look older. I was staying at a friends house where the resident five year old wanted to talk too. This five year old was very interested in the idea of buying mustaches for 25 cents. Then he pointed at my husband on the computer screen and excitedly asked "is that a fake mustache?"
Are fake mustaches on robots funny? Well, here is a picture. If the mustache is part of the robot's design, is it fake?