Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's take a Break

What a difference a day can make. I have decided that taking a month off thesis stuff is what will make me more sane. No talking, thinking, or doing PhD thingys. Also realizing that graduating in Spring isn't so bad. I will do it before I am 30 at least. So this blog has now reverted back to "Just for Fun". We will talk about my thesis at the end of June but till then.......

Did you hear about the synthetic life? Sounds like robots to me.

11 weeks to & A BREAK DOWN

I kind of suffered a break down this week. My body is telling me "no more". Or that is at least what the doctor said. I have headaches that won't go away and major fatigue. I don't know how much more I can take. She said something has to go..the job or the thesis. I am very worried. I did send in 6 pages of one chapter to my advisor though so I am technically on schedule. I am sorry to be a downer but I just feel like crap. Don't worry though, I still have robot gossip for you.

Robot Talk:
I take back everything I said about Robots in Space! I didn't know our astronauts would have to hitch rides with other countries and we would NEVER have any transportation of our own in the near future. That is lame. We aren't least I don't want us to be. (I am kind of a food moocher)

So I was wrong. If this new Obama plan makes our astronauts "Space Hitchhikers" (even though that is a cool name), I want no part of it.

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12 weeks to go & Taser Robots

Taser Robots?! Yes, that is how we will start this week. The link will explain.

It is a little long but damn funny!

Week 12:
I have sent my advisor a schedule (that I can share will you, my loyal followers) and wrote a couple more pages of the chapter. I must adhere to the schedule or All Is Lost! These dates are when I send my advisor rough drafts of each chapter.

May 17th -- Intro to Shapley Supercluster & Data Reduction

May 31st -- NGC1533

June 14th -- Introduction

July 12th -- Data Analysis for 10 Galaxies

July 26th -- ESO325-G004

August 7th -- Total Rough Draft with brief conclusion and future work

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

13 weeks to go and Living Armor = Magic Robots!

13 weeks to go and I didn't get as much done as I should have last week! I need to get my ass in gear. I mean, I was even putting off this post since, my ambitious 15 page goal turned into 4 pages.......I couldn't even get to 5 pages yesterday so it would be a multiple of my initial goal. That is how nerdy and lazy I am. I am currently watching "Roman Holiday" to relax. Now, on to the Robots and achievable goals.

Living Armor = Magic Robots
I am taking this week to bring attention to a cross roads of two nerd genres, Robots and the fantasy realm. My husband pointed out that my 1.5 year old (who loves Robots....she makes a mother proud) pointed at a knight in a cartoon and said "bot bot", her word for robot. This made him say "I know what you should do your post on this week." We, as adults, know the difference between Robots and Knights in Shining Armor but I can see how she was confused. If anyone has watched more than one Anime, there is a lot of magic infused armor sometimes called "Living Armor." Also, I know some of you love D&D (ok, maybe just me), and to get some sort of technology, you use magic. To get Robots (or constructs), you use spells. I just find it hilarious that even when people write about a world with no electricity, they still need/crave Robots. I guess we all love them.

Can you think of any other examples of Robots minus technology......Steampunk maybe?

Thesis....week 13!!!!
Ok, so 15 pages was a bit unrealistic (well, it still could be with figures). I still need to do some data analysis and write the rest of this chapter. Here is the plan:
Step 1: Find distances of galaxy clusters to get better turnover magnitudes. Once we do this we can get a better number of GCs (using corrected N = number from data file).
Step 2: Merge final from previous project with this project.
Step 3: Write more and finish a rough draft of this chapter!!! (fill in the blanks with info from papers you should be reading) DO IT!

Thanks for all of your help.