So I just got back from standing in line at Sakura Con for 4 HOURS!!!! (If you don't get the Kahn joke, please go look up Star Trek II). That's right, I spent more time in line, to get the tickets, then in the actual Con. I took my cousin and we spent the time, in line, taking pictures with people and dealing with the theft of her old Gameboy DS.
My sister, who helped me with the title, urged me to tell the story. We figured around hour 3, standing in the line, that my cousin's DS was gone. After yelling "HAS ANYONE SEEN A WHITE BeDAzzLed DS?" for a good 15 minutes straight, she had lost hope. Plus, she was embarrassed that I shouted her DS was Bedazzled. I was determined NOT to start the day like this. Finally, a guy 6 people behind us started shifting his eyes to the left mouthing, "That guy. He took it." I mouthed "Which guy?" "The guy with the stroller, " he answered. I confronted a large (as in fat), very stereotypical-looking nerd and flat out asked "Do you have the white DS?" He acted very surprised and said "Ooooh yeah, here it is," and gave it back. My cousin thanked him and I did too, briefly. Who steals a Gameboy from a 13 year old in a 4 hour line at an Anime convention...while taking care of a kid? Crazy! Anyway, the line took so damn long because they were printing out name tags for everyone and taking an address, email & phone numbers per person. Very crappy registration! The good part is that we got to we watch some anime in a big room and saw lots of great Cosplay (Truly, there weren't very many bad ones and we actually felt out of place because we weren't dressed up). The only Robot I saw was a little toy robot called Tofu Robot (picture included). That surprised me. This place was supposed to be celebrating everything that is Japanese and there were no robots...Booooooo.
So the Emerald was a few weeks ago and my sister told me that she would buy me a 2 day pass if I dressed up. So I did. I dressed up as Harley Quinn (Joker's Girlfriend). I couldn't go more then 3 steps without someone wanting a picture. One picture is included with me and a Ghostbuster. At that point I totally could understand why people dress up and do the convention circuit. I actually saw the same Batman & Superman at both Cons. Oh and the line to get tickets at this Con......10 minutes. It was smaller in crowd but it had a lot more booths. There were a large amount of local artists which was uplifting. I really wanted to see Will Wheaton. I don't know why. We actually saw him up close but this does remind me of a huge flaw in my Robot list from the last post. Anyone who loved Star Trek: The Next Generation, like I did, will notice that Data wasn't mentioned on the list. I am so sorry. However, when a robot gains weight over the years, it does ruin the fantasy.
Bottom Line: Cosplay is fun when done properly.