So my sister suggested that I post my Top Ten Robots. I really need to think it over....but instead I will just wing it while I should be doing research. (Note: I do not watch Battle Star Galactica so I have not included them).
10. Hal from 2001. He was scary but really just a red light. I didn't care for him much but he is so recognizable I had to include him.
9. Anyone in an Issac Asimov book. They all turn out to be Robots.
8. Optimus Prime!
7. That Honda Robot in the commercials. The one that dances and was designed to help the disabled or elderly. (Speaking of Japanese Robots...I am going to Sakura Con this weekend. Need to write a Con Post to cover both Cons.........KAHN!)
6. Roberto the Robot from Futurama that is very troubled and stabs everything. I love him because I feel sorry for him. (Really any robot on Futurama is kick the one that blows up every time he is surprised...priceless).
5. Any Terminator. I like the melty ones.
3. The robot I had as a kid that played cassette tapes.....I loved him.
2. Bender! Futurama's robot is the most identifiable Robot. He is damn hilarious.
1. Daneel from the Asimov Bailey Series. If you haven't read this series, go out to the library and get it now. I would suggest you stop at book two unless you really, really heart Robots.
I am sure I forgot some but you are free to correct me in the comments.